Time and Tide Dance Company has updated our COVID-19 exposure policy as of September 1, 2021. These measures are to ensure that only healthy dancers are in the studio, while attempting to return to normal procedures slowly and following the CDC guidelines. T & T understands many of our continued efforts to curb any COVID-19 spread among students is often inconvenient, but we want to do our best to continue to serve you. We will continue our current policies of taking temperatures at the door, requiring masks, social distancing, encouraging frequent handwashing and use of hand sanitizer, and studio cleaning and disinfecting. If a dancer does not feel well, they are required to go home immediately. If you have symptoms, regardless of the assumed source, please do not come into the studio.
Please note:
*Masks are required for everyone in the studio area.
-Even if you are fully vaccinated, the CDC advises that you should remain masked indoors as long as our area is considered to be an area with “substantial or high transmission”.
-STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND TEACHERS are required to continue wearing masks.
*If exposed to COVID-19, unvaccinated dancers should follow the CDC protocol, and quarantine for 10 days and get a negative test OR 14 days without a negative test before returning. If you decide you want to make up the missed class in person after the quarantine, that can be arranged with the teacher, as long as you are symptom free. Vaccinated dancers do not need to quarantine as long as they are symptom-free.
*If a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19 and if, the positive test was within 72 hours of the positive person’s studio visit, OR symptoms were present within 72 hours of a studio visit followed by a positive test,
-The classroom participants will be notified immediately. Confidentiality of the person testing positive will be maintained.
-Unvaccinated dancers should follow the CDC protocol, and quarantine for 10 days and get a negative test before returning OR 14 days without a negative test. If you decide you want to make up the missed class in person after the quarantine, that can be arranged with the teacher, as long as you are symptom free.
-The person who tested positive will need to provide a doctors note or proof of a negative test before returning. If asymptomatic, the same rules apply.
*Please use your discretion: If a student or teacher is in a relationship (dependent, caretaker or otherwise) where it is unavoidable that one exposure wouldn’t lead to others, and the other party tests positive or is exposed, please follow the protocol as if the student or teacher tested positive (or was exposed). Examples are significant others, small children or elderly care where there is a greater chance for disease transmission.
Pick up and Drop off of students:
For young ones under kindergarten, I would like to ask that all parents take discretion. I would like no more than 3 parents in the lobby at a time, and must wear a mask. You are more than welcome to wait outside the door, or in your car and trade off and on if needed by their child. The first 3 weeks is sometimes the hardest for young toddlers to start dance with a teacher they do not know. This is the only reason I am allowing this.
All other parents of older children need to drop their child off and wait outside or in the car. This will hopefully assure that we will not have exposure.
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